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Statistics of station Toila

Here you can find statistics of the TOA lightning detection station Toila.

  • Id: 2049
  • Firmware: 0.0
  • Controller: 19.4
  • Amplifier: H0 / E0
  • Antenna 1+2: Ferrite rod
  • Antenna 4: Electric field, length=200mm
  • Comment: Samuel Institute of Technology
  • Other Stations from this User: 2003, 2014, 2126, 2122, 2128, 2125, 2129, 2124, 2131, 2182

General statistics of the last hour

  • Station active: no
  • Last active: Never before
  • Last update: 5.0 minutes ago
  • Last detected stroke: 2020-09-18 06:18:41 UTC

Stroke count

Here you can see the whole stroke count per hours detected by the lightning network, the count of detected strokes/h of the station Toila and the mean stroke count for all stations

Graphs: Stroke statistics

Signal count

The count of received signals per hour of the station Toila and also mean value of all stations.

Graphs: Signal statistics


Stroke and locating ratios are important parameters for the correct adjustment of the station. Calculations:
locating ratio = (detected strokes of the station) / (signals of the station)
stroke ratio = (detected strokes of the station) / (network stroke count)

Graphs: Locating and stroke ratios

Stroke ratio by distance

Overview about the own locating ratio over distance from stations. Whole stroke count over distance is also visible.

Graphs: Stroke ratio by distance

Stroke ratio by bearing

Own locating ratio over the geographic direction. For better comparision, there is also the whole stroke count visible.

Graphs: Stroke ratio by bearing